Sunday, September 1, 2013

Let's get Started!

Hi everyone!
I was hoping that with this blog we could post at least one picture every week. That is probably a stretch, but we could try it for a while.That way, we are working on at least one drawing/painting every week, and practicing every week. Except when you are on vacation or if you just can't, it won't be strict. It is just for fun and so we can keep eachother practicing! If you have any other suggestions comment below! Also, you can invite other people to contribute to this blog, just send me their email address and I will invite them!

When you post:

1. Title your picture. (Be creative and original)
2. Label your picture.
       * make sure you put your name as a label and write it the same way every time!
3. Write a little about your picture.
 And remember, only one picture per post!

 This will be really fun to post our pictures and help each other keep practicing all the time! If you need help posting go to the page "How to Post Your Pictures".

I can't wait to see all your beautiful works of art!


  1. Okay, so, Nicole, I did a series of self portraits(that I am still trying to find), and is there any way I could post them all in one post? If not, I could post them all separately.

  2. Sorry, I replied through email to this comment a looooong time ago! Oooops :P

    Yes, That is TOTALLY fine. But just so you know, I don't know (on the home screen) what it will show on the little icon. It might do a mini collage, or it might just show one! I can't wait to see them!


  3. Thanks Nicole. I will try to post soon.
