Monday, January 27, 2014

Mr. Bruce Kanegai

I don't know if any of you have heard of this man before, but I had the honor to meet him at a business meeting in California when I went with my parents to take care of Emmaline. At lunch, my grandparents and my parents invited a group of people to have lunch with us. Mom told Mr. Kanegai that I liked to draw and he gave me a basic lesson through lunch (I hardly ate because I was too distracted). The main thing he told me, that I wanted to share with all of you, my artist friends, was the enormous role 'contour' drawings play in the road to becoming a great artist.

A contour, is a drawing that you do from looking at real life objects (no pictures) and it is made up of ONE SINGLE LINE. Mr. Kanegai did this contour in about two minutes on plain notebook paper from his planner, with a cheap ballpoint pen.

I know this is not my work, but I wanted to share it with you. And I would like to put out another challenge:

Do a contour of your hand! Go slow, aim small, and just enjoy the fun drawing. (P.S. This one you don't have to post your results)


  1. I haven't been on here in a while, but could you all help me with something? Sroll down and tell me, is it just my computer, or have all of my posts had and error and aren't displaying?


  2. The pictures aren't displaying. On another note, I like Mr. Bruce Kanegai's drawing. Thanks for sharing it. I'll try to draw my hand too. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Some of them are and some of them aren't for me.

    I will try to do my hand, but I will not show it to anyone! I am really bad at contour drawings!
